Conversion Zone Tracking

Programmatic Display

after your customers have seen your ads online Our team can track them to the location or building you want to drive traffic to.

How Conversion Zones Work
(Online Advertising To Offline Foot Traffic)

Conversion zones are a potent method for monitoring the impact of your online advertising efforts on offline storefront traffic and conversions. This allows you to measure the number of people who actually visited a specific location as a direct result of seeing your ads online.

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•  A virtual geofence is a digital perimeter that is established around a designated area of interest, allowing advertisers to target customers who are visiting various locations, such as a competitor's store, a specific venue, or a particular part of town.

•  Subsequently, a virtual conversion zone is created around one or more of the advertiser's own locations. This allows for the tracking of customer visits to these specified locations and helps measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns.

•  When a customer enters the geo-fenced location, they will then be exposed to the advertiser's ads on their mobile device. This targeted advertising strategy aims to capture their attention and engage them while they are in proximity to the specified location.

•  When a customer enters the Conversion Zone with their mobile device, and they have previously been exposed to the advertiser's ad, the Conversion Zone system identifies the user and attributes their visit as an offline conversion for the geo-fencing campaign. This helps track the effectiveness of the advertising campaign in driving physical visits to the advertiser's locations.

Now, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how your advertising is influencing individuals who have viewed your ads and then proceeded to visit your designated conversion zone. Our team diligently tracks and compiles all of this valuable data within our reporting dashboard, providing you with actionable insights into the impact of your advertising campaigns.

Conversion Zone Reporting Location Based Advertising (Geo-Fencing)

With our tracking capabilities, we can indeed link real-world offline traffic to your online return on investment. However, a common question from advertisers is, "How can we determine if that traffic would have visited our store even without seeing our ads?"

Rest assured, we have an answer to address this concern.

Geo Conversion Lift Tracking

Our team can distinguish between the number of individuals who would have organically visited your storefront and those who did so as a direct result of encountering your ads. We refer to this as "geo lift." This calculation involves assessing the percentage increase in visitors who arrived naturally versus the percentage increase in visitors attributed to your advertising efforts. This valuable metric provides you with a clear understanding of the true effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Learn more about Conversion Tracking >

Geo Conversion Lift & Conversion Zone Use Cases

A restaurant owner is implementing a geofencing strategy around an interstate section that's in close proximity to their billboard location. Their goal is to measure the number of people who pass through that intersection, see their ads, and subsequently visit their restaurant. Additionally, they are interested in assessing the true impact of their campaign by calculating the geo lift, which will help them determine the extent to which their advertising efforts influenced store visits compared to natural foot traffic. This data will provide valuable insights into the campaign's effectiveness.

  • A restaurant owner is implementing a geofencing strategy around an interstate section that's in close proximity to their billboard location. Their goal is to measure the number of people who pass through that intersection, see their ads, and subsequently visit their restaurant. Additionally, they are interested in assessing the true impact of their campaign by calculating the geo lift, which will help them determine the extent to which their advertising efforts influenced store visits compared to natural foot traffic. This data will provide valuable insights into the campaign's effectiveness.
  • The furniture store is using geofencing technology to target competitor locations. Their primary objective is to track the number of individuals who were exposed to their ads and subsequently visited their own store. This approach allows them to measure the impact of their advertising efforts in terms of driving foot traffic to their store from potential customers who were initially interested in their competitors' offerings.
  • A real estate brokerage firm has a strategic plan to boost the visibility of their two condo developments. To achieve this, they have selected ten specific locations for geofencing, targeting areas where potential real estate buyers are likely to be present. In addition, they have established conversion zones around their condominiums. The purpose of these conversion zones is to identify individuals who have visited and toured the condos. This comprehensive approach allows the firm to gauge the effectiveness of their advertising efforts and track the success of their condo tours, ultimately helping them refine their marketing strategy

Another local retailer has implemented an advertising strategy aimed at pedestrians and individuals passing by their store. With their geofencing and tracking capabilities, they can achieve two key objectives:

  1. Measuring the Impact of Their Ads: They can track and determine the number of people who entered their store after being exposed to their ads. This allows them to directly attribute foot traffic to their advertising efforts.
  2. Calculating Geo Lift: In addition to tracking conversions, they can also calculate the geo lift. This involves assessing the increase in visitors influenced by their ads compared to those who would have naturally visited the store without any advertising. It provides insights into the additional traffic generated by their advertising campaigns.

By analyzing both metrics, the retailer gains a comprehensive understanding of how effective their ads are at driving foot traffic to their store and the true impact of their advertising efforts.

Conversion Zone Reporting

We report on a host of conversion zone metrics including:

  • Impressions/Clicks
  • View Through Visits – Those who saw your ad and then visited your location
  • Click Through Visits – Those who clicked your ad and then visited your location
  • Cost Per Visit
  • Average Days To Convert
  • Natural Conversion Rate
  • Campaign Conversion Rate
  • Geo Conversion Lift

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Key Geo Fencing Benefits
  • Only Need Location Services of Mobile Device Turned On.  NO OTHER REQUIREMENTS NEEDED
  • 90% of individuals typically have location services turned on
  • Does not require Physical BEACONS
  • Location File Import and Export Capability
  • Granular Localization via Custom Shapes & Sizes
  • Target location visitors or event attendees for 1 day – 30 days
  • Serve ads across the 600,000 App’s we have access to
  • Retarget customers who visit or commute through any geo-fenced location
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What Is Programmatic Display Advertising?

Programmatic Display

Programmatic Display is an automated form of purchasing display inventory that cuts out the manual work and makes it possible to dedicate more time to analysis and strategic optimizations. This is taken a step further by Real-Time Bidding (RTB), which is bidding on individual impressions based on how valuable they are to you. Instead of paying a flat Cost Per 1000 Impressions (CPM), you pay a dynamic CPM that allows you to save money and focus on the individual users who are most likely to convert.  See all of the programmatic solutions our team can provide.

Geo Fencing

Target your audience on their smartphones at certain buildings, parks, events, or locations with our state-of-the-art technology.

Conversion Zone Tracking

With Conversion Zone Tracking, we can determine the people who saw your ads and then in fact came back to your store.

Site Retargeting

Your best customers are those who already expressed an interest.  Our site retargeting is unparalleled to others.

Search Retargeting

Similar to Google Adwords & Bing, we can target people around the web based on their actual search terms.

CRM Retargeting

Have a list of emails or physical address?  We can upload to our system and target that list via mobile, desktop, and tablet.

Keyword Contextual Targeting

We have access to over 350 categories relevant to your audience and can target keywords that show up websites in those categories.

Programmatic Video

Video is now just as powerful as static Ads.  We can layer video onto practically all of our programmatic solutions.

Event Targeting

Event targeting allows you to target people at certain times in very specific locations (conference, sporting events, parks, buildings).

Demographic Targeting

Target your ideal demographic audience based on ethnicity, gender, income and other critical profiles.

Real Time Dashboard To Measure All Campaigns

24/7 Dashboard Analytics Reporting

Don’t wait a full month before you receive robust reporting.  Get it 24/7. Tracking online conversions (form submissions and sales) is one thing. But measuring offline conversions is something that couldn’t be done before until now. We are able to track conversions both online, as well as offline conversions (i.e. those who came back to your restaurant, retail store, desired location).If you are leveraging our location based technology to directly communicate and reach your desired audience, contact us on how we’d develop a granular campaign tailored to your business and organizational goals. Learn more about our conversion zone tracking capabilities.

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